Tuesday, June 5, 2012

nachos supreme or french fries supreme

Another really good thing to make as a snack are some yummy nachos supreme. They are prepared with nacho chips some nacho cheese, some beans, sour cream, and shreaded steak on top. For those who want to add some spice to it they can add some guacamole(spicy) so it can give it a way better taste. if you guys dont want nacho chips you guys could go buy some french fries and do the same thing just call them french fries supreme or "papas fritas ala mexican"(:

If you want to take a look at some really good nachos supreme go to King taco. If you can find one like i said i've only seen them in California. These were just to ideas but the pico de gallo is really famous, they use in in parties for snacks or they call them for "botana". Please take a minute or two and click on king taco it will take you to there website so you can at least take a look at what the nachos supreme look like.


  1. Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

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  2. Nachos is one of the Mexican Foods and this is very delicious dish for mexican peoples. I will go the Mexican Restaurant for eating this food.
